Homeowners Insurance 101


Homeowners insurance protects your dwelling and its contents against a variety of events and risks that would be financially challenging (or devastating) to pay for out-of-pocket. Can you imagine having to replace everything you own inside your home and afford for a new place to live if your house burned down, was flooded, or robbed? It’s a terrifying thought!

Homeowners insurance is so important that some states require homeowners to carry a policy. However, even if your state doesn’t require it, your mortgage lender most likely will. You should research, compare, and purchase a policy before applying for a mortgage. Note: homeowners insurance is not included in your mortgage payment unless it’s escrowed. Bundling mortgage payments, home insurance, and property taxes into an escrow account is pretty common.

As with other insurance policies, there are a variety of homeowners policies offering a range of coverage at a matching range of prices. How much you need and can afford will depend on your individual situation and requirements.


There are three general types of homeowners insurance:

Whichever policy you choose, be sure to understand all events and damages not covered. This will allow you to keep a sufficient balance in your emergency savings to cover them if something does happen.

You can also add what’s called a “rider” to your policy, which adds or amends coverage. Of course, this comes at an additional cost, but it can be worth it if your area is prone to flooding, for example.

Risks covered

Your homeowners policy should enable you to refurnish (personal property loss) and rebuild or repair (property damage) your home after a catastrophe. It should also cover the cost of a lawsuit (personal liability) if someone is injured on your property and temporary rehousing (added living costs). You should have a policy that covers at least 80% of your home’s replacement value (minus the land value and foundation), although most basic policies cover the contents of the house for 50% to 75% of the amount for which the house is insured.

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